Love is never a waste
Person A: My brother spent a lot of money to fly overseas about 2 times to see his girlfriend.
Person B: Long distance relationships fail.
Person A: She came back with him and now they’re married.
Person B: At least they’re together now. If it didn’t work out, that would have been really stupid on his behalf.
This was a conversation I saw in a chat room the other day. I wanted to hit Person B over the head with a large mallet. How would that have been stupid? What happens when you go overseas to see someone? You get to see the person (duh) and spend some time with them.
Apparently, according to Person B, spending money to go see a person you love and spend time with them is really stupid unless the relationship “works out”. I guess what he really means is that it’s a waste of time and money unless the two people end up living together. But even if they don’t end up living together, they still got to see each other. They still have the experience of that, and the memories, and they got to know each other a bit better.
I can only conclude that Person B was not talking about unconditional love, and has probably never experienced it. The sad thing is that this kind of thinking is quite common, and generally encouraged. People think it’s “smart” to focus on what they can “get out of” a relationship, and if they aren’t “getting enough” then it’s a waste of time.
Don’t ever fall for this “logic”. It will do more to prevent you from experiencing unconditional love than it will ever do to help you find more of it.
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