Maintaining a relationship with a partner who is living abroad can be a tough task. Long distance relationships are based purely on conversation as a result of which they may encounter conflicts arising due to stress and jealousy time and again. Here are a few ways in which you can avoid conflicts and jealously in a long distance relationship. 1. Send each other lots of pictures and live videos
If you have attended an event, send lots of pictures as soon as you get home. If you are on the beach with few friends, call your partner on Skype and give him a glimpse of yourself with a video chat. The whole point is to keep your partner updated by sending your latest pictures and videos to make him feel a part of your life, despite of being away from you.
2. Keep yourself constantly occupied
Wondering what your partner is doing thousands of miles away can be nerve wracking. Since there is no way for you to find out, best thing is to keep yourself busy so that you don’t think of such things. Don’t keep your mind unoccupied which results in you thinking about your partner’s routine.
3. Stop imagining things and let facts speak for themselves
If your partner hasn’t called for a day or two, it is natural for you to wonder what is happening on his/her side. Instead of weaving your own stories about how your partner must be partying or assuming that your partner might be seeing someone, ask him and allow him to state facts rather than coming up with random and crazy ideas yourself.
4. Find innovative ways of gifting each other
Parceling gifts to each other overseas may turn out to be quite expensive. Find out new and interesting ways in which you can send each other tokens of love. For example, you can call a shop in your partner’s vicinity, ask them to deliver to your partner’s house and you can pay by credit card. You can also send your partner a lot of virtual gifts and e-greetings. This will strengthen your bond, keeping jealousy and conflicts at bay.
5. Decide on some rules and etiquette to be followed on the phone
Since good communication is the backbone of any long distance relationship, it is crucial that you don’t hang up on each other in the middle of a fight on the phone or switch your phones off to avoid each other. Decide rules that you both can follow in case you have a fight.
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