5 BirthDay Poems
1.Stay blessed forever,It is your birthday, So enjoy your day, Make it special, In many ways, Stay blessed and forget the rest, HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a nice day!
2.HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a dear friend, you'll be special to me until the end, Celebrate today and know this ture, my life has been blessed, because of you.
3.HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone i love so much. one who has that special touch, always a smile upon your face, everything you do is with style and grace, please know today how special you are, wherever you go,whether near or far.
4.I hope your birthday cake is as sweet as you, i hope that your party is as cool as you, i hope that all your friends show you a good time, but when all the dust settles you are all mine. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
5.A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY i send to you, celebrating with sunshine in all that you do. this card is sent with love and best wishes, if only i could i'd send it with kisses, may your day be as special as you.
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