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DIY Glue Rings

So today im gonna show how to make glue rings, they are made out of glue,and they are so cute,they are cheap to make and its like fun, you can make it for your friend if you wanna give a gift or whatever

Ok so now im gonna show you wat u gonna need..
First thing you will need some glue
dimensional magic glue from mod podge
empty bezel ring bases(its really very cheap)
and lastly you need ring holder so that your rings can set up stright dry
next thing, you need nailpolish
so start off with painting a design in the base of the ring
whatever design you want,smiley face?peace sign? or anything.
let it dry
now place it in your ring holder 
so now its the glue part .. than you wanna go ahead and take your magic glue and you wanna drip it on top of the design , make sure the design is fully dry
do it slowly
ok so once we are filled up we wait
this could take hours to dry.. 3 or 4 hours i guess.

once the glue start to look transparent means its drying
and thats how it look.

here's one  easy image for this tutorial

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