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6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out FI

You’re a modern day woman.  You have bills to pay, you have overbearing mothers, and you’re really starting to wonder whether you should throw in the towel and cancel your Tinder account (a girl can only get SO many dick pics…)  Bottom line: you’re stressed.  Maybe you relieve your stress through a weekly Netflix binge, maybe you dissipate it with a monthly blowout, or maybe you’re keeping it bottled up inside causing you to have permanent RBF (resting bitch face).  No matter how you deal (or not deal) with stress, there are things you could be doing to lessen your emotional load.  In fact, Foul Gal is about to pinpoint 6 things you’re probably doing that are driving you CRAZY.  Read on for “6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out.”

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out Organize

Remember when you were in middle school and had a bomb ass Lisa Frank planner that you would use to write down all of your homework assignments?  Well, school may be out but your ability to remember EVERYTHING is still non-existent.  There is no shame in investing in a super cute planner (we LOVE the ones from Paper Source) and making a daily to-do list.  That way you can track what needs to get done vs. what you’ve already accomplished with ease.  Besides, there is NO feeling like crossing off the last line of your to-do list.  Such sweet, sweet victory.

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out Gadgets

Modern technology is the best.  With a smartphone, you can find your future husband, your next one-night stand, your next brunch spot, or even monitor your sleep cycles.  WHAT?!  It’s truly amazing.  As long as you have your phone on you (and let’s face it, when do you NOT have your phone on you), you are connected to the outside world.  What you may not realize is, that continuous open channel is causing you stress.  Do you ever obsessively check your phone, expecting to find a missed call, a missed text, or maybe a missed email?  Of course you do.  We all do.  How can you disconnect and find some peace?  Turn your gadget of choice off or leave it at home!  Can’t imagine it?  At least give turning your phone off an hour before bedtime a try!  Your quality of sleep will skyrocket.

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out Healthy Eating

Believe it or not, evidence suggests that poor blood sugar is a major factor in people suffering from depression and anxiety.  This is a problem.  Why?  Well, what do you reach for when you’re on edge?  A salad?  I think not.  My personal go-to is a goblet of wine with a side of dark chocolate.  As delicious as this combo is, if you’re feeling stressed then you should grab something high in Vitamin C, like berries, to battle stress.  Not a fan of berries?  Vitamin B rich foods, like nuts, will also do the trick.

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out Workout

To quote Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins.  Endorphins make you happy.  Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.”  We’re not saying that you need to join CrossFit or start training for a triathlon, just be active on a regular basis.  Go bust a move, go for a jog, play some tennis, just make sure you’re sweating.  Exercise releases dopamine, a feel good chemical that allows you to have feelings of happiness and pleasure.  Additionally, when you raise your heart rate, you are subjecting yourself to a low level of stress, hence, upping your tolerance for the actual stress you deal with on a daily basis.  Bottom line: exercise = win/win.

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out Meditate

We live in a fast paced world–a world in which your homepage taking over .6 seconds to load can send you into an all American rage.  Given the pace of our daily lives, it’s no wonder that we’re in need of a breather.  The best way to recharge?  Meditation!  Meditation reduces stress, improves concentration, increases happiness, and slows aging.  The best part?  You don’t need Lululemon yoga pants or overpriced (yet magical) candles from Anthropologie to get the job done.  All you need is a quiet place to put your mind at ease.  So sit back, relax, and ommmmmm.

6 Everyday Things That Are Stressing You Out Socialize

One thing is for sure: humankind craves intimacy.  I’m not talking about the sexy kind (although that’s important too) and I’m not talking about that group of girls you get blasted with occasionally.  I’m talking about real, authentic human to human connectedness.  I’m talking about friendship.  In the age of poking and tweeting, grabbing a cup of coffee with a friend almost seems like a quaint notion.  However, socialization is vital.  It releases a hormone that is proven to decrease anxiety levels.  Besides, having a group of friends that you can gal out with?  Nothing compares.

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